Inclusion of Agroforestry and SALM practices in the county’s agricultural policies to ensure its
implementation & scaling up to entire county farming population.
Sensitize farmers on the implementation of 10% tree cover on agricultural land in collaboration with
other stakeholders/partners in Nyanza Region.
Advocate for meaningful engagement of women and youths in leadership and decision making both at
household and community level.
Engagement of duty bearers both at National and county level on matters affecting farmers through the
Human Right Based Approach principles i.e. standardized unit of measure for banana produce and favorable production and marketing policies for agricultural produces.

The CBO has facilitated several trainings & adoption of SALM practices among farmers which includes:
Agro forestry farming, Climate change Mitigation & adaptation, Soil & Water conservation, Agronomical
practices, Nutrient Management, Integrated Pest & Livestock management, Renewable energy
,Rehabilitation & restoration of degraded land as well as minimum/reduced tillage & residue waste